GLORYDAZE Music has been given a new house for occupation prior to the arrival of 2014.
Things might look pretty much the same, and in most cases, it is. However, the biggest changes are under the hood.
I mentioned the other day that the site will undergo an upgrade. Well today was that day, however things didn't go quite as planned.
So we built a brand new environment, a new mySQL database, and the very latest PHP Fusion software which sits on top.
We ported across all our existing data, with no issues whatsoever.. phew!
There's one issue we have with the Shoutbox stats which is a bit screwy, but it's not a showstopper.
As a consequence, we've had to change domain names. In fact, we've just created a new sub-domain.
So the new GDM website URL is:
The only thing that changes is that the www is replaced by the gdm.
The old site will be kept offline, so no should be able to go in there, eventually I will archive it and take it offline completely.
Enjoy the new site layout, as we'll be doing some cool new things over the coming weeks.
А пока же при попытке зайти там куда-либо больше главное странички видим вот такое: