I’ve been a vinyl maniac since the early 1980’s but had a few years of bad luck in the early 2000s I was forced to sell off, or I should say had to live off of my record collection. Kids had to eat, bills had to be paid.
It makes me very sad to think of all those amazing records I used to own and stuff I will never own again because the high price they now fetch
Been collecting again for a while now and will show full support to vinyl & tapes on this blog. Metalheads are some of the biggest vinyl collectors in the world and a blog like this will not hurt sales of Metal merchandise, If anything a blog like this will help spread the word and link people to where they can buy the music.
We will also post links to bands and their bandcamp pages to help spread the word. If you have a band that you would like featured on this blog please email us a link/info/art etc... if we like it we will post it :)
The purpose to this blog is to turn people onto underground music and by doing that i hope people will show support and BUY STUFF!
We all know that we just can't afford to buy everything, however! please support the bands & labels when you have extra cash.
Any bands or labels want me to remove something drop me an email and i will remove it right away. If you want me to rip your tape/record send it to me \m/ \m/