Leo Biollo - 2009 - From The Depths Of Hell To The Gates Of HeavenНужен лось ! Деньги кончились ! Вещь! Канадец. Да, один, но за всех!

1. Demonic Abduction
2. The Depths Of Hell
3. Return Of Will
4. Desire To Rise
5. The Sage
6. Killing The Demon
7. The Gates Of Heaven
Debut album from Leo Biollo. Progressive Thrash Metal that sounds like 80's Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer, amongst other bands that are similar in style. Leo tells his own life story metaphorically and I'm sure that each one of us can adapt it to our own lives, or at least a part of our lives when everything seemed hopeless but we've overcome the odds and kept fighting. This story is about sinking to lowest of lows, but never giving up and winning the fight in the end.
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