Hello Metalheads !
I wrote instructions how to download from this online storage.
Many people can't download from IFOLDER. Well, I will try to help you
Step by Step1. Installing antiadvertisement Add-ons.
2. Get the link.
3. Downloading albums by using Download Manager.
1. Service "IFOLDER" has too much advertisement, and i'm sure you will get bored soon of it trying to download album you need. If you don't want to waste your time, I recommend you to instal the module that blocks ads and banners.
I use Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6, that's why i will give recommendations only for this browser. Sure, if you prefer another browser you will find a similar way to get rid of excess and useless information, by yourself.
Now, search the Add-On "
Adblock Plus 1.0.1" in official website and instal it into the browser:
I hope, you won't have any difficulties with it.
2. Depending on the different factors, you will see different pictures:
2.a Case #1.![Image](http://s59.radikal.ru/i165/0902/6a/41e11982ad1bt.jpg)
It is the easier case.
You just have to put down the correct numbers into the text filed and click "enter".
Now go to section 2.c.2.b Case #2 #3 #4![Image](http://s44.radikal.ru/i106/0902/0e/d12fb4f93edct.jpg)
This situation means that Files owner (Uploader) setted up the additional advertisement in dowloading the file, or international traffic exceeds russian traffic.
very important to click to where I pointed.
Then will opens a new page and redirects us to sponsor's site.
You need to click in any link marked black.
There is the counter top of the screen - it will count down 30 seconds, after that you have to click in the words "
нажмите сюда".
And finally, a page where you must enter a numeric code, to get the download link.
2.c After that you should get a direct download link
Move the cursor to the link, right-click, select the menu option "Copy Link ".
3 Now the finaly part. We put a link to the Download Manager. You can use any other, if you want. I'll show an example
FlashGet 1.73 (this program is free for download on the official site).
Run the program and choose Jobs->New Download (or press F4)
Link will
automatically be inserted in the program. Click "OK".
In few seconds downloading will started!
It's all =)