Сегодня на рутрекере вылезла реклама вот такая -
https://drop.me/зашёл, посмотрел... утверждают, что размер файлов и срок хранения не ограничен
This service supplies you with opportunity of sharing all types of web content. You can upload text-documents, images, mp3-files, photo, video or archives, whatever it is. Supported formats and the size of uploaded documents are not limited. Remember, if you want to upload and share two or more files you have to run the procedure with each file signly, one by one.
We notice that we have no response for the uploaded content. We supply a free one-click sharing service, not hosting, so here is no moderation, but in contrast with other services we do not establish any limits on the period of keeping the files available.
блин, реально быстро