90 Proof have acquired a certain notoriety around town. Little of it has been for their music— which is basically hard, tight and fast. Save nuance for the others, these guys cut to the chase.’
“Broken” blows up like a can of gasoline, fiery and brief. Vocalist/ Guitarist Jason sings as if he had a mouthful of that gasoline when the can blew up, but he gets his point (which would seem to be about his essential lack of self-esteem in a valueless society) with alacrity— which is the better part of propriety in my book. “Driver” picks up where “Broken,” left off only in a different key, and a little faster. Drummer Bill, bassist Fig and second guitarist Mike provide a specific gravity to the song of about 10 Gs. A strong hook and the restless indominability of the pace serve as the backdrop for two scorching guitar solos.
“Deluxe” maintains the incessant jackboot two-beat. Jason is another guy with a classic rock voice finds antecedants going back to Screamin’ Jay Hawkins in the ’50s and Arthur Lee and Sean Bonniwell in the ’60s.Although the tempos here are four times as fast for our accelerated society.
“I Wanna Give,” chews up its minute and a half with monstrous vigor and monumental swaggering authority. “Life I Lead,” breaks up the hammering one-three drum accents for a change. Here, Bill comes in at two and four which sounds almost cosmic, given the scenario. But on “Try To Tell Me,” he reverts to form although dressing up the charge here with a desperately flitting kick.ith a desperately flitting kick barrage.
The Proofsters reach their apogee with “Tommorow,” a molten rivet to the brain. Josh viciously snarls the vocal against the elastic two chords of the verse and the other two rubbery chords of the chorus. An eight-bar solo and get the hell out of the way. “No Solutions” of course offers just that, but manages to stir up a stormy turbulence in the passing.
I’m not sure what message 90 Proof mean to convey, though it seems obvious that it’s somewhat less than cheery. For the disenfranchised among you, this would certainly seem to be the sort of thing you could bloody well bloody yerselves over. If that sounds like your kind of Friday night, there is little doubt that 90 Proof have the chops to put you right therein the middle of it.
http://www.twolouiesmagazine.com/the-go ... u-1995-07/