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PostPosted: 10 Sep 2009 
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Name: Кирилл

Demo, private

1. Lies
2. Sing to me
3. To bad
4. Stolen heart


Я немного запутался...на маспэйсе выложенны песни которые не входят в это демо.Видимо есть две демки,а на М-А указанно что одна.Обе хотелось бы найти :true:

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PostPosted: 10 Sep 2009 
хард н хэвщик (support team)
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хорошее названьице. поищем :dance:

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2009 
хард н хэвщик (support team)
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Well lets see if I can remember how this train got rolling....... Myself (Rick) and Mark white(vocals)who actually played the drums at that time,decided that after jamming for a few years that we wanted to get a little more serious about what we were doing.Also at this point we realized that Mark was a pretty good singer and decided that he would be the front man of IROKK.

So the hunt was on for a bass player,drummer.At some point later Tom Flaherty of Sweet Cheater introduced us to Keith marron(Bass)and we started to jam with mark still filling in on the drums.A short time later we were at a local hall watching a band play(and they were pretty bad),but the drummer(Bill Melanson) wasnt.So we gave him a tape of some of our originals and asked if he would be interested in leaving his cover band for an original band (he did).So we started out in the basment of Bills house back in 86 and IROKK was born.Shortly after we decided to get a rhythm Guitarist to fill out our sound and added Chris archis a friend of Keiths(Bass) from an old band he played with.We started out playing with locals such as Prowler,Sweet Cheater,Extreme,Kid Crash,Pieces,MASS and too many others to write down..After about 2 years we did a 4 song demo at Toms Flahertys studio...lies,Sing to me,Too bad and Stolen heart were our virgin tracks in the studio.A few months later we were back in laying down tracks for...What you want,Changes and Stolen heart.These three songs would be the last songs for the original lineup,as the train derailed into burning flames.....A few things came into play for the breakup...girls..lol...and strangely enough religion....

So Mark,Bill and myself decided to pick up the pieces and move on. Well me and Mark were out partying one night(much like every other night) and in the weeeee hours of the morning walked into Denny's(a fine eating establishment for all rockers).Well when we walked and were waiting to be seated,two guys with semi long hair walked in as well.And when the waitress asked how many to be seated I said two,and one of the other guys joking around said four (So we all sat down).Turns out one played the keyboards(Marty Olga) and the other played Bass(Rob Champa..AKA..Pace). We talked for a good part of the night/morning(oh those fucking birds)lol,and found that we were into the same style music.So we gave them our old demo and told them if there interested to give us a call,well they were(they called the next day)

So now the train is once again rolling,and we were on our way back to playing out.At this time we added Bob Day as a second guitar,and the band was set for about 2 more years.After that we decided to make some changes in the rhythm section,so we parted ways with Bill and Rob.And added Wayne Almon(Bass) and Jim Barber(drums)..This would be the lineup that would stay.Songs were flying of the shelves and we were playing out all the time.We played all over Boston and surrounding areas such as NY,RI,Conn,NH and so on.This went on for many many years(great years),recording at Metropolis studios and doing are own recordings. but then the grunge came and 80's metal scene dropped out from under us.The band played our last show at club 3 in Sommerville,Ma...

We are now back and currently working on a reunion with all of the members of IROKK sitting in on different songs that they were involved with.We are hoping to be ready for Sweet Cheaters next show but we'll keep you posted...I will be uploading some of our songs for you and if you like them let me know...We will also be playing a few new tunes as well.... I would also love to hear from any old friends of ours..its been a long time.. Thanks for stopping by....Rick P.S. If you would like the full version of any songs........Just ask...Thanks Layout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Browse Layouts

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2010 
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Name: Кирилл
Думаю будет демка,нашёл в инете сына басиста группы,говорит что есть записи,можно обращаться поделится. :true:

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PostPosted: 01 Mar 2010 
спирт 100%
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Где то видел ,100% :dash:

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2012 
Rara avis
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Ну что, демка так и не найдена? :oops:

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PostPosted: 28 Jun 2012 
Хиппей (support team)
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У Кирилла есть (не нашего). Только он не поделиццо :crazy:

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PostPosted: 01 Apr 2018 
Rara avis
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Можно как-то скачать? - https://www.odi-music.net/2166918-trokk ... e-aor.html
Ааа, это песни МС :umnik:
Нужно писать племяннику...

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PostPosted: 01 Apr 2018 
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А есть куда писать племяннику?

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PostPosted: 01 Apr 2018 
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На Ютубе "Nicolas Ciampa" в комментариях

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PostPosted: 01 Apr 2018 
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Ааа, на ютуб я не вхож :vic:

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PostPosted: 01 Apr 2018 
Хиппей (support team)
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На Ютубе "Nicolas Ciampa" в комментариях

Даш, под каким именно видевом? =)


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PostPosted: 01 Apr 2018 
Хиппей (support team)
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И у какого именно Николы? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctdlqjt_Ux0 вот у ентого только одно видое... :pardon:


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PostPosted: 01 Apr 2018 
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PostPosted: 01 Apr 2018 
Хиппей (support team)
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Name: Andrey


И под видосом спросил.


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